Complete 22nd NPG Highlights of Key Prophetic Messages for the Phil

22nd National Prayer Gathering

Apr. 12-15, 2011, Cuneta Astrodome


Day 1 THE FIRE OF GOD by Rev. Neville Johnson

NJ saw in a vision the GLORY OF GOD descending upon the Philippines (confirmed by 2 other friends/witnesses). You need to prepare for this.

‘I want you to tell My people My SERAPHIMS are coming (spirits of burning).

GREAT HARVEST coming upon the world, but particularly in the Philippines.

– 2 harvests coming: 1st harvest, then Final Harvest.

– Joel 2:28 There is a coming RESTORATION in the world, but for the Philippines a DOUBLE PORTION. It’s about to come to the Phil.

NO FIRE, No Holiness in Charismatic Move in 1970’s.

We are about to see another war in Israel, probably within the next 12 months. Pray that there will be not many casualties.

There will be AMAZING CHANGES in the Middle East.

Recent forest fire in Israel symbolizes COMING FIRE IN THE CHURCH.

This time next year we will be LIVING IN A DIFFERENT WORLD. We have to be discerning of the times like sons of Isaachar.

‘Tell the Phil, ‘READY OR NOT I’M COMING.’’

The FIRE OF GOD is coming to the Phil:

– Will continue right down to the 2nd Coming of the Lord Jesus, will not wane, will get stronger and stronger.

– It will happen in the Phil.

– The SET TIME HAS COME FOR THE PHIL. We need to prepare and be ready for this.

– But before this, we need the FIRE OF GOD.

– What is coming next is TRUE REVIVAL, not just resuscitation,

– God WILL RESTORE. First Wave coming is to RESTORE THE CHURCH. When you experience God’s Fire, you will be a different person. Transformation happens.

In the ISLAMIC WORLD, spirit of lawlessness is moving inspired by the Anti-Christ.

YOUNG PEOPLE are going to be in the forefront of this Harvest. The Lord is about to get the young people.

God’s Fire first, then immediately the moderate Harvest (millions). God will RESTORE this nation, you, your family.

You need to TRAIN, bring the harvest to maturity quickly. These will be the HARVESTERS OF THE GREAT HARVEST. IT’S TIME TO PREPARE N-O-W!!! Train them, prepare them.

Joel 2:28 ‘I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL flesh…’ All means ALL PEOPLE. They will be confronted with the Spirit of God.

God is about to reach the YOUNG PEOPLE of the world.

The Phil will in one way be going to be A SHOWPIECE TO OTHER NATIONS. They will come to the Phil.

Why judgments are coming? So that people WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS.

We need to be OPEN TO UNUSUAL MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD!!! God is unpredictable. Ex. Gideon and loaf of bread.

God will give us A SWORD – Word of God in our mouth, proclaiming this word and it will happen.

YOUNG PEOPLE to perform mighty miracles.

GOD IS GOING TO VISIT THE PHIL IN A WONDERFUL WAY. It’s not going to wane unlike one in Pensecola. But He’s going to do unusual things.


We need His Divine Intervention. We are not spiritual enough yet to be receptive to the Spiritual Realm. We need Divine Intervention to get to that level. Heb. POWERS OF THE AGE TO COME, to have this we need Divine Intervention. We need CONDITIONING, RENOVATION.

Jesus is coming for a PERFECT BRIDE, 100% HOLY, fully restored – body, soul and spirit. We need conditioning to reach that – by the FIRE OF GOD.

The Fire will deal the demons in our lives, sins, inherited strongholds, sicknesses, weaknesses, corrupted minds, etc.

Most Christians live in the Outer Court. We can’t come to the Holy of Holies until we are renovated.

‘I WILL RESTORE,’ God is saying. It’s on His calendar.

The Anointing is for the healing of the sick. NJ experienced waves of anointing to condition him to be able to walk in another realm.

The Lord told me to tell you, ‘UNUSUAL THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU.’

FIRE of the anointing is the first stage.

This is KAIROS TIME FOR THE PHIL. God will do unusual things. We need to be earnest, focused, determined to partake of this. Pursue God will all your heart, watch, press towards the mark, diligently seek the Lord, redeeming the time. Ask, seek, knock and God will pour EXTRA PORTIONS to you and they will be unusual.

Burning sensation in the mouth of NJ, sensations in his mouth, nose and you will smell the Lord in the spirit – unusual manifestations – yield to it.

This is DIVINE INTERVENTION. Only God can do it. You can’t do it.


GREAT WAVES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT coming to your churches, slain the Spirit for days while their spirits are in heaven.

To the BUSINESSMEN, God will give you strategies. Another economy, the TRUE ECONOMY is coming and the church will never lack anything.

Establishing colonies of heaven in the earth.


THE FIRE OF GOD IS COMING !!! Let it come.


God wants to raise up a company of Prophetic People in the End-times.


1. Sons and Daughters — referring o small children
2. Young Men — 13 to 29
3. Old Men/Women — 50 onwards
4. Servants & Handmaids – ministers of God who are already anointed by the Spirit of God; this is different from the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is to prepare you for a Prophetic Ministry, whether you are an evangelist, pastor, teacher, whatever church work.

God wants to give OPEN EYES & HEARING EARS. Joel 2:28 prophetic anointing for ministry in the End-times. We need this. Ex. SSS with ‘Sheik’ lady in Kentucky restaurant, also with friend in McDonald’s. He was able to minister to them because of the prophetic anointing.

God wants to give the PROPHETIC ANOINTING to all of us.

Joel 2:30-31 REVIVAL on one side, then JUDGMENT on the other side. We need to look at BOTH, not just one side like Revival. Every nation is being judged today.

– SSS vision (on Sept. 2010) of lines connecting Samoa, Solomon Islands and Japan, angel facing east, not west. God said, ‘From now on calamities in this Pacific Area (within triangle) – waters, tsunamis, earthquakes, starting with Japan.’

– In their New Year broadcast this year, God said this to SSS:

1. Signs preceding the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus. Matt. 24 will increase in greater intensity.

1. BIG EARTHQUAKES IN 2011, UNDER SEA, NOT LAND, causing much devastation, causing lands to move from their position causing CHNAGES IN WEATHER PATTERNS in a destructive manner

1. ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES will happen causing catastrophes, pressure changing water molecules to change, waters will surge, rain terribly, unceasingly. These are JUDGMENTS – tornadoes (eye 5 miles wide) that happened in Australia.

God is shaking the heavens and the earth. Much rain in China, Japan, South Korea , Thailand and the Philippines, floods causing much destruction.

1. IMMORALITY & PERVERSENESS will increase. YOUNG PEOPLE, keep yourselves pure, chaste until your marriage, do not be tempted with pre-marital sex. This will rob you of your prophetic heritage. There will be many teen-age pregnancies. Satan enticing you to be disqualified. God needs a HOLY PEOPLE, not a corrupted people. Even singles above 30, keep yourselves pure, chaste and holy.

1. WEATHER PATTERNS in many nations will be unusual, can’t be predicted anymore. Will cause increased floodings in Europe, UK.

1. SIGNS WILL APPEAR IN THE SKY, stars explode, cosmic rays traveling to earth causing many changes in atmosphere, affecting telecommunication systems, transmitting these waves to the users. Matt. 13:25, 24:29 stars will fall.

These will take place from this year onwards.

– April 6, 2011 Vision of SSS

1. Japan will be shaken again. (happened already with aftershock of 7)

1. Triangle of Japan, Thailand and the Philippines, will be shaken much so that every witchcraft, prostitution will be judged.

For Phil re this judgment (message from God to SSS): Joel 3:16 No matter what happens in your nation, CONTEND FOR YOUR PROMISES. Destruction will come, but IF ALL the Filipinos pray, this judgment can either be averted or minimized. Be like Nineveh, fasted, prayed. If you do this, the judgment will be averted.

Joel 3:16 The Lord will be the HOPE of His people and the STRENGTH of the people of the Phil. Make your churches HOUSES OF PRAYER. Prayer must be the foundation of your church, then you will become a LIGHTHOUSE.

Finally in conclusion, again I’m compelled to say this to you: GOD IS NOT FINISHED YET. CONTEND FOR YOUR DESTINY. Don’t give up. IT IS NOT OVER YET. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Believe with all your heart.




By Rev. Neville Johnson


1. Firstly upon the Church through the FIRE OF GOD which will restore us;

1. Then the Glory of God, the HARVEST.

Two sides of the coin: the Goodness of God and the Severity of God (Glory vs. Judgments of God) – wonders in the heavens, nuclear blasts, earthquakes on one side of the coin. Other side is because of the calamities people will be ready to hear the Gospel.

God will raise up an ARMY with VISIONS and DREAMS. We will see an increase of visions and dreams on the people of God. We need to understand how to flow with these, how to WALK WITH GOD.

* First level is through spontaneous thoughts from God – learn to recognize this to flow with God.

* 2nd level is the level of visions, seeing with the eyes of our heart (our spirit). The eyes of our heart need to be developed. Practice this, develop awareness of the inner man, your spirit.

* NATURAL MIND or carnal mind is an enemy of God, a hindrance to seeing in the Spirit Realm. Our spirit is locked up in our body, soul, mind.

* OPEN VISIONS, with your eyes open

* INTERACTIVE VISIONS – you lose awareness of your present surrounding and brought to another place where you are able to interact with people or the Lord in the vision.

* DREAMS, more and more of this happening in people in the Army of God.

* There will be IMPARTATION and special anointing in this conference for these.

Ezekiel saw a valley of dry bones, Church is dry like these bones. Can these dry bones live? YES! Ezek. 37:4 is prophetic of the End-time Church.

Truth and revelation activate something in your heart. Grace and ability to walk in that truth is there.

TWO HARVESTS that are maturing: 1) Evil (darkness) and 2) Good (light). Two kingdoms are developing in the world. Matt. 15:41 Parable of Wheat and Tares.

Psa. 91 is answer to Earthquake in Japan with magnitude 9.1. TEN PLAGUES – each time there is an earthquake (calamity), God takes out one god of the nation. Through all these, the Jews were in GOSHEN, protected by God, dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High (Ps. 91). Judgments and Glory of God will both come.

Army of God need to develop SPIRITUAL AWARENESS:

* Doing only what we see the Father do like the Lord Jesus, not our own agenda.

* God wants us to have Open Heavens.

* We need to be freed from FEAR to have spiritual sensitivity. An understanding of the PERFECT LOVE of God will erase that fear. Focus on God, not on your circumstances.

* Spiritual sensitivity is also sharpened by the Manifest Presence of God.

* 2 Cor. 4:18 Look at things which are not seen. WHAT YOU FOCUS ON YOU WILL CONNECT WITH (the spirit behind the thought). Your IMAGINATION is the link to the spiritual realm. Ja. 1:15 Desire, then Conceive, then Sin, then Death. Set your imagination on the LORD, then you will eventually connect with the Lord. Look unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith, through FOCUS, then CROSS-OVER POINT. 2 Cor. 3:15 VEIL over their hearts. When we turn our heart (focus/worship) to the Lord, then the veil will be removed.

GOD HAS A SPECIAL CALL ON THE PHILIPPINES. There is a destiny. Spiritual seeds are being planted in the Phil, waiting for RAIN (former and latter rain) to come.

NJ saw a vision of an ARROW flying through the air and hit target. Isa. 49:1-2 made my mouth like an arrow hidden in God’s Quiver. Shaft of arrow need to be polished (CHARACTER, HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS), has to be dead straight and clean to hit the target. Focus on the CROSS.

By Bro. Vincent Selvakumar

There will be calamities in the world, but the Bible says if people pray, they will be spared. Is there a way of escape from these? YES! Lk. 21:36 Pray and watch always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these.

The Philippines was supposed to have 3 great calamities – tsunami, earthquake. The Lord told VS, ‘There are people in this land praying. Churches don’t entertain people. That is why I pushed away these calamities from them.’ YOU NEED TO PRAY SO THAT NO CALAMITIES WILL COME. You must not backslide in your prayers. There are many evil spirits envious of what God will do in this nation. They want to attack you to give you SPIRIT OF SLEEPINESS so that you won’t pray.

In these last days, there will be many false teachings against prayer. YOUR PRAYERS ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS NATION. Be steadfast in your prayers so that no evil can come to the land. When the Lord sees a praying person, He will withhold His anger, judgment. Conduct many programs for prayer in church, in families. Increase the fervor and intensity to escape these things and be counted worthy, raptured. The Lord warns us of these judgments so that we can pray and avert it. Cover your entire nation with prayers. Then no evil can come to your nation. Do not be slack in your prayers.

Matt. 24 Signs of the end-times in Church, nation; Perilous times – disobedient, lovers of pleasures, etc. ; Changes in nature – storms, etc.; Changes in the sky; Many diverse diseases. When you see these things happening, these are the last days. Family foundations shaken.


WHAT IS THE COMING MOVE OF GOD? By Rev. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

The Lord said to SSS while the congregation was praying, ‘It is My desire to fill you, especially the young people and the ministers of God, with a powerful anointing.’ We need this prophetic anointing to do His work.

What is the coming move of God? How is He going to move?

* NO PRECEDENT, even in OT and NT; something new, not recorded before, nothing to compare with even in scriptures. We can’t compare everything all the time. Many things Jesus did were not recorded in the Bible. Rom. 8:14-15 Inner Witness of the Holy Spirit whether it is a work of God or not.

* Coming move of God will be entirely different. So you YOUNG PEOPLE will see mighty works of God. You will be the SUPERSTARS in Christ in this move, co-stars of Jesus. God is forming a SPIRITUAL ARNY OF YOUNG PEOPLE In heaven to throw coals of fire during Youth gatherings.

Dan. 10”3,12,13 Daniel prayed and fasted until his prayer was answered because there is A CONSTANT WAR IN THE HEAVENLIES. We become part of this when we pray. When we become lukewarm in prayer, the nation loses to enemy and we suffer. Bend your knees, put down your feet and do warfare against the enemy. Simple prayers (2-minute prayers) will now work, it must be warfare.

It can’t be church-as-usual in these last days. We must open our hearts and minds to the REALITY OF THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. We don’t truly understand this; that is why churches are not growing, esp. in QUALITY. We must grow both in quantity and quality. Heb. 6:1-4 You must mature, not babes anymore. Story re- Spiritual Warfare of couple tormented by demons sent buy their Hindu neighbor because the husband criticized the gods of the Hindu friend.

We need to have our spiritual eyes open to see enemies in the spiritual realm and do warfare with revelation and not shadow boxing. That is why we need the PROPHETIC ANOINTING. Example: SSS with Hindu employee at MacDonald’s because of prophetic anointing.

Whenever there is war in the heavenlies, the Church becomes the captain of heaven’s army. Angels will wait for our instructions through prayer.

Warfare is in two realms: Spirit and the Natural. End-time warfare will be like that. 2 Kings 6:8-15 Elisha’s servant’s eyes opened to see army of God surrounding them and Elisha to fight against the Syrian army.

If the army of God can come for just one man, how much more angels will come if the WHOLE NATION, AS ONE PRAYING CHURCH, PRAY? God desires to do this if the Phil prays. If we do, all our borders will be secured and holy. Judgment of God comes when SIN PERSISTS in a nation especially PROSTITUTION & WITCHCRAFT.

YOUNG PEOPLE, your time has come. So put away all lust, fornication, etc.

Ezek. 37:4-6 for the Phil. Phil must rise up and prophesy to these DRY BONES, winds from the 4 corners of the earth – the PERFECT STORM and first meets the YOUNG PEOPLE.


by Rev. Neville Johnson

Eph. 4:15 Speaking the truth in LOVE, growing up in all aspects of Jesus. 1 Cor. 3:2 With spiritual gifts but still babes. It is not what you do for the Lord that counts, IT’S WHO YOU ARE, WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE. It’s how much you have become like Jesus that counts, and ministry will flow from that.

Matt. 7:23 ‘I never knew you…’ despite miracles performed, no rewards in heaven, have not been conformed to the image of Lord Jesus. YOUR PRIME DESTINY IS TO BECOME LIKE JESUS – how much you have learned TO LOVE. Man in Matt. 7:23 was taken to outer parts of the Outer Court (Paradise). It’s not your gifts that matter; it’s the FRUIT before you are given Kingdom Authority.

We have to have our VALUES on right things – not gifts, but fruit. The Sermon on the Mount is about the beatitudes – BEAUTIFUL ATTITUDES. These are Kingdom Laws. Prophetic people need FRUIT before given Kingdom Authority. Churches tend to fill people with doctrines / knowledge instead of the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit and the Presence of God.

Jn. 12:21-25 ‘We would like to see Jesus.’ The Lord Jesus said, ‘The people will see Me IN YOU, My DISCIPLES and YOU NEED TO DIE TO YOURSELF.’ Does the world see Jesus in you? God is LOVE, what about you? Everything God says and does is REDEMPTIVE; likewise us. Lk. 9:54-55 ‘Lord, strike them with lightning.’

Our concept of God is extremely important. GOD IS GOING TO VISIT THE PHILIPPINES – His glory, goodness, blessings. ‘Tell them, ‘Ready or not I’m coming!’’ This is already in stone, sure to happen.

Moses at Burning Bush, ‘Tell pharaoh, ‘Let the people go.’’ MOSES’ CHARACTER HAS BEEN DEALT WITH. Then Moses said, ‘Show me now Your glory.’ Ex. 34, the Glory of God is HIS GOODNESS – merciful, longsuffering, fruit of the Holy Spirit, etc. ‘I AM all of these things.’

When you are manifesting the Glory of God, light comes out of you and clouds you; you are manifesting the NATURE OF GOD. They will see Jesus through US – His love, goodness, healing the sick, casting out demons, healing tsunami victims, pick them up from the rubble, raise the dead because many will be dead. Judgments will condition people to receive Jesus. CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of Glory of the world, of people.

Oct 2010 vision of NJ – OUR TRANSFIGURATION. Vision of a sectant, the Morning Star, 2 Pt. 1:14. Next feast will be the Feast of Tabernacles (Harvest). There’s going to be a light and power coming to you, transfiguration will begin to take place within us. We are living at the end of the 6th day and Day Star is arising within us, transfiguration starting slowly within us, becoming LOVE, FRUIT of the Holy Spirit, ‘.’ Jesus after that became different, and we will be different – RESURRECTION LIFE within us. Jn. 11:26 ‘Whoever believes in Me shall never die.’ The POWER OF GOD perfecting the Bride of Christ – body, soul and spirit.

JESUS WILL COME FIRST TO HIS PEOPLE BEFORE HE COMES FOR HIS PEOPLE. Saviors will arise out of Mt. Zion. Mal. 4:7 He will arise with healings in His wings, totally transforming us, INVINCIBLE ARMY. This is before the Rapture, not at the Rapture. Rev. 2:28 I will also give him the Morning Star.

Japan earthquake marks economic meltdown, continuous earthquakes till Second Coming of Jesus. It will never be the same. The Church will arise with His glory.

God is love, but who are you? Are you also LOVE? God cannot trust you with authority unless you have LOVE in your heart. Otherwise you will destroy. Authority is a frightening thing. Love must be our motivation, to redeem not to judge / condemn, to rescue the people.

The HARVEST will come to you. The Glory of God will be seen in you because of what is emanating from you. IT”S WHO YOU ARE. Who are you? When your mind (even thoughts) and mouth lose the power to hurt anyone, then God will allow you to walk with those who are in the Higher Realms of God, those who walk with God.


FOR YOUNG PEOPLE by Rev. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

In this End-time plan of God that will come very, very forcefully upon every nation, the company or the group or the people group that God will use the more mightily, or the chief KEY PLAYERS in this End-time move is the YOUNG PEOPLE. They will be like the GREAT ARMY who will form the backbone that God will use to usher in a mighty Revival.

Vision of SSS of future events including the last Great Revival, straining his neck to look for some great renown men/preachers who will be leading it, but found none. The NOBODIES, NO-NAMES are the superstars in the End-times; no great evangelists, instead young people, housewives, children, old men, etc. Moses and Elijah will envy your days. You will do GREAT MIRACLES than what they did like parting the Phil Sea, healing the sick, etc.

Coming FORMER & LATTER RAIN, Joel 2:24. The time for God to favor you has come. As a result of this, vs. 24-32 – raising up of a PROPHETIC COMPANY, everybody rising as a mighty instrument in the hands of God.

You need to bend your knees and unceasingly pray for hours that the eyes of your spirit be opened that you might be able TO SEE THE LORD JESUS AND THE SPIRIT REALM like Kenneth Hagin, SSS. Are you willing to pay the price? ‘Wait in Jerusalem until the promise of the Holy Spirit comes upon you,’ Acts 2. The disciples obeyed and gathered for 50 days TO PRAY unceasingly. We must learn to adopt this principle.

* Are you prepared to gather everyday in one place to pray with great hunger, passion and thirst UNTIL the outpouring is poured out?;

Direction of the Holy Spirit to the YOUNG PEOPLE:

* From today up to the next 50 days if you are willing to pay the price to sincerely seek the Lord for at least 1 hour every day, you will see a big breakthrough in your spiritual life. Maybe your pastor can gather you in the church everyday to pray, or 2 or 3 of you gather to pray

* The Lord Jesus shows me now, those who are 18-20 yrs. old, God has put in you a SPECIAL CALL, a special love and thirst for the deep things of God. All this while you did not know it, you did not realize it. But in the last 3 days sitting here in this meeting, something within you is awakening up, and a feeling is rising up within you that gives you an understanding, ‘This is mine, this is mine.’ If you are prepared to lay claim to your inheritance, you will see great transformation in your life that will transform your spiritual life as well as your natural life. I now see hundreds of angels standing among that group of people.;

* There is another age group that the Lord Jesus is showing me right now, 22-24 yrs. old. If you are willing to put away the pleasures of the flesh, the pleasures of this world and refuse to give heed to youthful lusts, and you are willing to set aside dedicated time of seeking the face of the Lord your God, God will give you a very SPECIAL ANOINTING that is equal to the anointing of the angels to do great exploits not only in your own nation but also to go overseas.;

* The third thing that the Lord wants me to address, to the precious Pastors and Ministers – not only your church should be Houses of Prayer, but you yourself MUST BE A MAN OF PRAYER. When your church becomes a House of Prayer, it becomes a Lighthouse. Then Acts 2 & 4 As many as need to be saved came to the church every day; miracles performed and people will come to God. ‘When you dedicate your church as a LIGHTHOUSE, tabernacle of God, House of Prayer, I will put a Pillar of Fire at the entrance of your church. People will come there for healing and they will be healed without you doing anything. Then they will be ready for salvation’ This is what God is going to do. Are you willing to let the Lord Jesus be the Lord of your church?

‘Eyes have not seen nor ears heard…’ great things that God will do in this nation.

Again I hear him saying, ‘YOU ARE NOT FINISHED YET (SSS does not know to whom very specifically this is directed to.) Don’t lose faith, don’t lose heart. CONTEND FOR YOUR PROMISES, be bold, be strong to stake claim to your inheritance.’

Vision of Angel with 1000 under him commanded to go and stand around the SOUTHERNMOST TIP of the Phil around the border of to push back whatever harm that may come in the form of natural disasters.

This angel tells me God has a plan for YOUNG PEOPLE. What is God’s purpose for them? ‘Keep your bodies holy, guard your virginity. Whatever bad has happened in your past, God has forgiven and cleansed you. But from this point on, guard your virginity. Keep yourself pure and holy. Satan seeks to corrupt you, but God is looking for a pure breed.’ I am not at liberty to share greater light on what God will do through the young people – similar to the ANOINTING ANGELS POSSESS, and angels are holy beings. To have this, your bodies must be holy. Surrender your bodies. To overcome lust of the flesh, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Consecrate your bodies to God.

THE JOSEPH MINISTRY by Rev. Neville Johnson

There are coming HARVESTS, Gentiles will come to you. You won’t seek them out. Isa. 60:5

NJ had interactive vision in April 2010 in heaven where he saw a procession with box which looked like a coffin. God said, ‘I am releasing the JOSEPH MINISTRY.’ The time of Josephs has come. The prime mission of Joseph is TO SAVE MUCH PEOPLE ALIVE in the midst of catastrophes, and the abundance of the sea (people) will come to you. J/M is not just about wealth but saving lives.

* Zap nap panath means SAVIOR OF THE AGE. The world is going to come to your light. Obad. 1;21 You are to bring the word of the Lord, reveal the Lord Jesus to the whole world who do not know the Lord Jesus, have not heard His name. GOD IS CALLING YOU TO SAVE MUCH PEOPLE.

* People will turn to Joseph because MONEY IS GONE. Joseph is the CHURCH, our turn to provide the healing power of the Lord, to provide food to the devastated. Economic crisis is about to hit the world again round about June, July this year.

There are at least 2 WARS coming to Israel before the Lord returns. First one is within next 12 months (Syria, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon) will come against them, but God will deliver them. God has a purpose for Israel. Then peace negotiation. Note the PEACE BROKER for he will come to some power a little later. The Islamic world is a vast harvest field. Spirit of Lawlessness, the anti-Christ spirit in the Middle East working now. God will visit the Islamic world.

The 1st war in Israel will be followed by a GREAT OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, then peace negotiation, then destruction – that peace will end in Great Tribulation and then the SECOND HARVEST will begin.

There will be conflicts in the Middle East. The Bible tells us that the entire Damascus will be wiped out, Isa. 17:1. Israel will be blamed for that city being annihilated, and many problems sweeping the world will be blamed upon Israel. And one of the most brutal persecutions against the Jews will begin which will make the Holocaust like a tea party in all nations of the world. Matt. 25:34- Sheep nations help Israel. Persecution will come to the Jews. We need to help them.

Huge amount of money is coming to some of the Josephs to finance kingdom / HARVEST.

* NJ felt impressed 3 times for us to put up BIG PUBLISHING HOUSE to print many manuals because Internet will be down for a time.
* God gives us power to get wealth. BUY LANDS, ASSETS for the church.
* TRAIN NEW BELIEVERS to mature quickly.
* Abnormal activity in the sun, took out cell sites, Internet.

WE NEED TO BE READY, PREPARED. ‘Ready or not I am coming.’ NJ’s interactive vision in March 2008. Beach almost full tide, speaking of the coming HARVEST.

* The net will not break, with many fishes, in the End-times.
* Launch out into the deep.
* ‘Those who are able to enter the Promise land are those whose ONLY GOAL is TO BUILD THE KINGDOM OF GOD – no jealousies, selfish ambitions, anger, etc.’
* What began at Pentecost your generation will finish.
* The seed of the early church martyrs will blossom in your generation.
* ‘If in this Harvest anyone tries to BUILD HIS OWN KINGDOM, you will be destroyed. PURITY OF HEART will be required for those who will partake of the Harvest – RIGHT MOTIVES.
* We need to PREPARE NOW. There’s coming a Great Harvest. Some of these Josephs need to acquire lands. Prepare to receive Jewish refugees. God is going to release finance for these projects. Be CASHED UP to be ready to buy.
* Amos 9:13 Plowers will overcome the reapers. Exponential Growth – start with 2, then each one share with 6 unsaved. In 7 years, you will have 1.2B saved.
* HOW WILL YOU COPE WITH THIS GREAT HARVEST? Need millions of CELL LEADERS; Prayer House in each street; have godly administrators to be prepared. God said, ‘The church is not ready,’ for 4 years now.

‘In the same way you saw Him go, He will come again.’ A PERIOD OF THE PAROUSIA – Jesus will appear to us and IN US.

SEED, SEED, SEED. How much SEED has fallen on the ground of the Phil? NJ’s daughter died in a car accident – SEED FOR THE HARVEST, a principle in every Revival.

The Harvest is coming. Army marching in two levels.


The Presence of the Lord is all over this place. The Lord has been blessing us continuously for 4 days. We cannot forget your love. The Lord has given many promises for this nation. It will QUICKLY come to pass. The Lord’s words will be perfectly fulfilled. I see the Shekinah Glory of God all over this place. Please close your eyes and lift up your heads to the Lord Jesus now.

I’m able to see the heavens open before me right now. I see a throne; all around it I see smoke and fire. In it I see a flame of fire; around it I see 6 angels standing by. From it a hand stretched out and 3 things are given into their hands. A small horn like a ram’s horn, its tip is covered with gold. It has been told to me right now that the horn contains oil. And to some are given some scrolls and to some are given some golden, small golden boxes. The angels are receiving them with great fear. The throne in their midst has now disappeared, I see a huge man standing in their midst and he is speaking these words to the Philippines right now:

‘O you chosen servants of the Lord, listen to the word of God right now. The time has come for God to fulfill all the words He has spoken over your nation. The Lord has commanded His angels to be stationed in many places in your nation. They are now coming to be stationed in their places. The coming days are the time when you and the angels are going to work together. The Lord has pre-ordained those places for the angels to stand. Firstly from those places God’s power and works will proceed. The Lord is saying, ‘You must go to those places and reclaim those places.’

Now the angel is opening the scrolls and showing me one name; it is written in green color. I see the word LEGASPI there. The angels are coming down into those borders. God’s glory is to proceed from those places. From those places are God’s powerful prophets are going to arise.

And I see another scroll being opened and I see the word CAGAYAN written there, CAGAYAN DE ORO. The Lord is showing me angels coming down upon those places.

And I see another name, LIPA. God’s power and God’s word are going to proceed out of there, and God is going to raise up many prophets and young people in that place.

God’s power is coming upon your nation. Now commit your places into the hands of the Lord.

I see another thing right now, PAMPANGA. I see that city right now, angels are coming down into that place right now.

Another name is shown to me now, PATEROS. God’s horn and trumpet is being kept there.

And he is opening another scroll to me, another name is shown to me now, BAGUIO. Maybe I am not pronouncing the name correctly, but God is showing it to me. God’s power is coming down in that place.

The Lord is saying this to the church, ‘You must go to those places and reclaim those places for me. I’m going to do a new thing through those places. I’m also going to do a new thing in MANILA. Many young people are going to rise up from here. My angels have been stationed like a big horse in this city. My power, in order to proceed out of this place, has been sown in this land. Sanctify the city, you do a Prayer Walk around the city, set the city free for Me. I’m giving you a time for it. It is from here that My works are going to proceed.’

Again I’m lifting up my eyes toward heaven. I’m seeing 7 horns coming down from the sky, it is coming from above. Every one of them is about 1 foot. It is like the horns of a ram. The Lord Jesus says, ‘This a horn filled with My anointing oil. My anointing power is in it. This is the new power of My anointing that is coming down upon this nation. As the horns are coming down, I’m seeing them multiplied seven-fold. It is going to be given to My servants. I’m going to use My servants mightily. They will dedicate and ordain My people for Me. They will prepare My people for My new work. Upon them My power and My fire will come down.

I will put the PROPHETIC TONGUE in My church. I will create a PROPHETIC EYE in My church. I will create PROPHETIC HANDS and PROPHETIC LEGS in My church. Behold, the great things that I’m going to do are coming towards your church. All you servants of the Lord, lift up your hands and receive them. The power will flow from your hands towards the nation. The anointing oil will flow like a river all over the nation. It will touch the CHILDREN and the YOUNG PEOPLE; it will touch the elderly people; it will touch the servants and the handmaidens; it will touch all flesh. When you lift up your voice, this power will come down upon the people. I, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, will cause My voice to triumph through My servants. No one can withstand against you.

Behold, I’m going to reclaim and redeem the borders of this land. I’m going to abolish all the wickedness in the land. I will establish My throne in this nation. A new power is coming down upon this nation. Behold, go forth and redeem all the peoples and all the tribe.

The Lord is saying, ‘Evil times are coming. In many places, the foundations will be shaken. Nations very close to you will be shaken. The dangers that you’ve never heard before concerning waters will now come to pass. The seas and the waves will roar. The earthly foundations will be shaken. Many prominent nations will collapse. Then in those days, the nations around you will look at you and envy you. Even the scientists will be surprised. According to signs, your nation should have been shaken and collapse. They will be wondering why the borders of the Philippines remain strong. If you dedicate your nation to Me and be accountable, if you will be prepared to shed your tears day and night before Me, I will lift you up as a witness for all the nations around you. The nations who see you will be shocked. They will speak about you that because this nation sought the Lord, the Lord protected her. Even the scientists will testify like that.

In the midst of all the dangers happening around, God will protect you and make you a witness to others. But you must be accountable before Me. You must continually lift up your hands towards heaven. Then I will cover you under the shadow of My wings. The Lord says, ‘This is a nation that I love. My eyes are turned towards this.’ The Lord says, ‘I am pleased with a person who prays and is accountable to Me. The many blessed things I’m going to do in your nation are going to come SPEEDILY.

Prepare your borders, enlarge your borders, sanctify your borders. Reclaim your borders that My power may be manifested there. Trample down every works of the devil in those areas. Then your nation shall live, says the Lord of hosts . Behold, the many places in your nation are going to be separated. From all those places, God’s power will be made manifest. From all those places, angels are going to proceed. The PROPHETS are going to shake the nations who are going to rise up from those places. Many MARTYRS are going to rise up. The Lord tells me to tell you, ‘IT IS I WHO WILL DO IT.’

Let’s give glory and thanks to God for speaking to us now. The angels of God are clapping and lifting up. They’re coming down in your midst. They’re coming down in your midst. Their anointing oil is coming down. O come on, praise the Lord.

Compiled by Alicia Alonzo

  1. #1 by Cecil Gee on May 16, 2011 - 11:46 pm

    I’m so excited to the things that is about to happen to the youths!

  2. #2 by Mahendran.india on June 11, 2012 - 5:01 pm

    Thank you for posting the messages of the prophets of God.

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